2024/4/11 Dr. Jiang won the ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering Best Paper Award.
2024/4/3 Dr. Jiang has been named NC A&T’s 2024 Rookie Researcher of the Year.
2024/3/23 Dr. Jiang received two Provost's Fellows: Title III Summer Seed Fundings
2024/3/22 Dr. Jiang was honored with the Best Paper in the 2024 CRC Conference, Track 3: Computer Applications, Information Modeling, and Simulation.
Yuhan Jiang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Built Environment
North Carolina A&T State University
E-mail: yjiang@ncat.edu
Enhancing Low-Income, Manufactured Housing Community Quality in Guilford County, North Carolina, by Applying Artificial Intelligence-Based Built Environment Characterization, PI, $25,000
Examining the Influence of Social Network on Public’s Reactions toward Corporate Social Advocacy Using Survey Studies and AI Technology of Natural Language Processing, Co-PI, $25,000
Digitalizing Stormwater Infrastructure Systems in Disadvantaged Communities Using Reality Capture, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Twin, PI, $25,000
Mixed-Reality Collaborating Platform on Identifying and Observing Spatial Inequality at Urban-Campus Negative Spaces, Co-PI, $25,000
Using iPad and 3D Simulation Technologies for Engaged Student Learning in CM 214/224 Surveying/Lab, PI, $1,500
Drone / Robotics
Computer Vision / Photogrammetry / LiDAR
Machine Learning / Deep Learning
AR / VR and As-built CAD / BIM
Drone / Robotics
Machine Learning / Deep Learning
AR / VR and As-is CAD / BIM
System Dynamics / Multi-agent Simulation
Satellite / Aerial Imagery / LiDAR
Machine Learning / Deep Learning
Engineering Reliability / System Dynamics
Han, S., Jiang, Y., Huang, Y., Bai, Y., Wang, M., and Spool-White A. (2023). “Scan2Drawing: Use of Deep Learning to As-Built Model Landscape Architecture.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149 (5), DOI: 10.1061/JCEMD4.COENG-13077.
Jiang, Y., Han, S., and Bai, Y. (2022). “Scan4Façade: Automated As-Is Façade Modeling of Historic High-Rise Buildings Using Drones and AI.” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28(4), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000564. Best Paper Award
Han, S., Jiang, Y., and Bai, Y. (2022). “Fast-PGMED: Fast and Dense Elevation Determination for Earthwork Using Drone and Deep Learning.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(4), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002256. Editor’s Choice
Jiang, Y., Han, S., and Bai, Y. (2021). “Building and Infrastructure Defect Detection and Visualization Using Drone and Deep Learning Technologies." ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 35(6), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001652.
Jiang, Y., Bai, Y., and Han, S. (2020). “Determining Ground Elevations Covered by Vegetation on Construction Sites Using Drone-Based Orthoimage and Convolutional Neural Network.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(6), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000930.