Using iPad and 3D Simulation Technologies for Engaged Student Learning in CM 214/224 Surveying/Lab
PI: Yuhan Jiang, Co-PI: Jerry Nave; Dec. 2022 - Aug. 2023; $1,500; NCAT
Overview: This project aims to use iPad and 3D simulation technologies for engaged student learning in CM 214/224 Surveying/Lab at North Carolina A&T State University (NCA&T). The selected 3D surveying instrument simulator apps include AutoLevel and TotalStation. The implementation of iPad and 3D simulation technologies in Surveying/Lab courses will advance the teaching effectiveness and learning experience in the lecture and laboratory separated courses.
Intellectual Merits: The results of this project will significantly improve student understanding of surveying instruments of auto level and total station, and field procedures of differential leveling, traverse surveying, topographic surveying, and construction layout via the iPad and 3D simulation technologies, and consequently enhance student engagement in the CM 214/224 at NCA&T.
Broader Impacts: The findings of this project will considerably strengthen PIs’ research capacity and proposal competitiveness in securing an NSF award in the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources program, Engaged Student Learning track (Level 1). The results of this project will also allow the PIs to further investigate the effectiveness of advanced computer graphics and visualization technologies (i.e., virtual reality, augmented reality) on improving student engagement learning outcomes in STEM education.
(a) Components
(b) Reading
(c) Auto Level and Level Rod
Auto Level Simulator App
(a) Components
(b) Leveling
(c) Total Station and Prism
Total Station Simulator App
Yuhan Jiang†, Jerry Nave, Andrea Spool-White*, and Benjamin Uwakweh. (2024). “Using iPad and 3D Simulation Technologies for Enhanced Student Learning in CM 224 Surveying Lab at North Carolina A&T State University.” Construction Research Congress 2024. Des Moines, IA: ASCE. DOI:10.1061/9780784485293.035.