Lego Cobot

by Dr. Yuhan Jiang

Jetson AGX Orin (Jetson SDK 5.1.2) Install librealsense SDK with Debian packages

The docs suggest a simpler method for the latest JetPack versions.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE

sudo add-apt-repository "deb bionic main" -u

sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils

sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dev


Install Pycharm

Download the tarball

There is a separate tarball for ARM64 processors.

sudo tar xzf pycharm-*.tar.gz -C /opt/

cd /opt/pycharm-2024.2.4/bin


On Linux, the installation directory contains the launcher shell script under bin. For example, if you installed PyCharm to /opt/pycharm, you can run the script using the following command:


You can create a symbolic link to the launcher script in a directory from the PATH environment variable. For example, if you want to create a link named pycharm in /usr/local/bin, run the following command:

sudo ln -s /opt/pycharm-2024.2.4/bin/ /usr/local/bin/pycharm

Since /usr/local/bin should be in the PATH environment variable by default, you should be able to run the pycharm command from anywhere in the shell.


Install TensorFlow

sudo pip3 install --extra-index-url tensorflow==2.12.0+nv23.06

Determine the Lego Brick Sizes, Coordinates, and Rotation Angle


min_area_rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(coord) #It returns a Box2D structure which contains following details - ( center (x,y), (width, height), angle of rotation ). But to draw this rectangle, we need 4 corners of the rectangle.

length=min_area_rectangle[1][0]; width=min_area_rectangle[1][1]; center_x=min_area_rectangle[0][0]; center_y=min_area_rectangle[0][1]; rotation=min_area_rectangle[2]


if length>width:




WidowX 250 S

bot.arm.set_ee_cartesian_trajectory(roll=(brick_ang-90)/180*np.pi, moving_time=0.5# pi rad =180 degree

import os

import cv2

import  xml.dom.minidom

image_path="/media/.../B200 LEGO Detection Dataset/images/"

annotation_path="/media/.../B200 LEGO Detection Dataset/annotations/"

files_name = os.listdir(image_path)

font                   = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX

fontScale              = 1

fontColor              = (255,255,255)

thickness              = 2

lineType               = 2

for filename_ in files_name:

   filename, extension= os.path.splitext(filename_)

   img_path =image_path+filename+'.png'

   xml_path =annotation_path+filename+'.xml'


   img = cv2.imread(img_path)

   if img is None:


   dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xml_path)

   root = dom.documentElement




   for object in objects:

      name = root.getElementsByTagName("name")[i]


      bndbox = root.getElementsByTagName('bndbox')[i]

      xmin = bndbox.getElementsByTagName('xmin')[0]

      ymin = bndbox.getElementsByTagName('ymin')[0]

      xmax = bndbox.getElementsByTagName('xmax')[0]

      ymax = bndbox.getElementsByTagName('ymax')[0]





      print('Lego Part:',name_data,'@',xmin_data,'\t',ymin_data)


      i= i +1


      bottomLeftCornerOfText = (int(xmin_data),int(ymin_data))





      #end one image




print("all done ====================================")

(Run on JetPack 5.x)

Install Ultralytics Package

Here we will install Ultralytics package on the Jetson with optional dependencies so that we can export the PyTorch models to other different formats. We will mainly focus on NVIDIA TensorRT exports because TensorRT will make sure we can get the maximum performance out of the Jetson devices.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install python3-pip -y

pip install -U pip

pip install ultralytics[export]

sudo reboot

Install PyTorch and Torchvision

The above ultralytics installation will install Torch and Torchvision. However, these 2 packages installed via pip are not compatible to run on Jetson platform which is based on ARM64 architecture. Therefore, we need to manually install pre-built PyTorch pip wheel and compile/ install Torchvision from source.

pip uninstall torch torchvision

sudo apt-get install -y libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev

wget -O torch-2.1.0a0+41361538.nv23.06-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

pip install torch-2.1.0a0+41361538.nv23.06-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

sudo apt install -y libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev

git clone torchvision

cd torchvision

git checkout v0.16.2

python3 install --user

Install onnxruntime-gpu

The onnxruntime-gpu package hosted in PyPI does not have aarch64 binaries for the Jetson. So we need to manually install this package. This package is needed for some of the exports.

All different onnxruntime-gpu packages corresponding to different JetPack and Python versions are listed here. However, here we will download and install onnxruntime-gpu 1.17.0 with Python3.8 support.

wget -O onnxruntime_gpu-1.17.0-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

pip install onnxruntime_gpu-1.17.0-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

onnxruntime-gpu will automatically revert back the numpy version to latest. So we need to reinstall numpy to 1.23.5 to fix an issue by executing:

pip install numpy==1.23.5

Training Yolov11 with NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation

pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url

pip install ultralytics

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model

model = YOLO("")  # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)

# Train the model

results = model.train(data="E:\LegoCobot\B200LEGO.yaml", epochs=10, imgsz=640,plots=True,device=[0, 1])
